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Partida Creus

Catalunya, Spain


Massimo Marchiori


Practicing Biodynamic, Organic


100,000+ L

Grapes Grown:

Macabeo, Perellada, Garnut, Garnacha Blanca, Cartoixa vermell, Xarrello, Tempranillo, Trepat, Sumoll, Samsi, Quiexal de Llop, Vinyater

Massimo Marchiori and Antonella Gerosa are the Italian couple behind Partida Creus. They settled in the Mass�s de Bonastre in the Baix Pened�s around the year 2000. There they started farming all kinds of local foodstuffs but had trouble finding wines made in the same style so they started making their own, recovering old vines of local grape varietals. In most cases, the vineyards were close to abandoned. Whenever they find a new vineyard, they�ll go to the nearby town, find out who the owner is and approach them to buy or at least farm the vineyard, organically of course. People think they�re crazy for doing this as they are very old, low yielding vineyards and in most cases, obsolete grape varietals. Some have been disqualified from D.O. for lack of color, as was the case with Sumoll, others were never even accepted. Now they�re known as the crazy Italians making incredible natural wines with the grapes that all of the locals had written off in exchange for the more �international� varietals.
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